Friday, October 31, 2008

brain broken-ING....

days passed by everyday....week 6 is around the the way, my brain still not functioning well....

today was a bad day for me....i put so much effort to do my revision-FR test but end up zero result....y i m said so? this is because i was realise that wat i revised today i have no idea at all...
me even think that have i learnt these before?

oh my god....what am i doing? i cant believe that what i learnt in previous sem was being forgotten oredy....oh should i cope with my coming test?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


start from last thursday, after i woke up from bed i just feel like my bone gonna broken and i felt so tired.....dunno why i just falled sick like that, until today haven fully pity...

maybe this is the golden season to fall sick? or the peak period of sick thing? omg...really come my housemate just sick for 2 days but me almost one week already still like blur blur, every day sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep...after taken my medicine i sure will " pengsan" for 2 hours....haiz...

because of this, i left my tutorial aside....but what can do, my brain doesnt work at all...just feel sleepy and even worst, at first i plan to do my audit tutorial tonight, but do half way, really feel tired neh + the effect of the medicine + my brain not function cannot think + i cannot find the answer (maybe i should say i dunno where to find the answer coz i m stupid?) , so i decided to give up......

but if i keep on like this, i sure cannot chase up my study....oh LORD, where are you? please bless me recover fast fast than only can do my things......please bless me.....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


~oh my god..wat am i doing? dare to obey the rules that set by my own self..omg.unbelievable
~i dun wan to become fat fat leh....sad sad sad...
~i m gonna sumpah here: from now onwards i will follow the rule set....keep on fight for my target...aza aza fighting...
I CAN DO IT...!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


~看了朋友的部落格才深深的明白了, 痛的不只是我自己一个人,原来和我经历过这些难过 的事还有他人。。。。感情这种东西,一旦受伤了真的需要时间让伤口痊愈。。。但是那段痊愈的时间会是几久呢?没人晓得,也没人能够告诉我。。只好自己慢慢的痊愈。。。慢慢的。。。

Thursday, October 16, 2008


~嗯。。是时候充实下自己了。总不能每天都让自己沉醉在那黑暗的日子里,其实想想也许自己真的好苯吧, 明知道已经是不可能挽回的过去,为什么还是要一直活在过去呢?



Wednesday, October 15, 2008

me in moody.....-.-

15th of October, 10.37pm.....y i am in moody? even me myself cant explain it now...

~because of that call? because of that sound that i used to know very well in the past? what is going around in my mind, i just cant explain it......i just cant.....oh Lord, if you are really exist in this world please guide me to a right way and please do help me to crossover all these things. I cant take it anymore, it is over my capacity. What should i do? Can u guide me?

~just as what i am believing, i tot never thinking about that means forgotten but it is not... i just realized it.....from the day i heard the sound and the words, my heart stop bumping just like my life goes black in a second. Everything, everywhere also in dark, i cant see the road in front of me and i cant see my that moment i just can saw what he done to me in the past....really hurt....whatever he promised never come true.....and yet i still believing in him....sounds like so stupid.....

~8 months passed already and yet i still in love with him but the sad thing is maybe i was forgotten by him and yet i still stick my mind to him......never forget....why? is it i still love him? is it i hate him?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

crazy shopping.....

11 October 2008
~ i went to shopping at with my housemates...
~ bought a lot of thing man, over budget d.....
~ wat should i suppose to do or wat should i plan for my next coming month...
~ no need to eat oredy..all the money all gone for my shopping time...
~ but i feel happy coz this si the first time i can bought the things that are really suitable for me and i did really like happy and excited...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


我已经回来了哦。。。带着沉重的脚步又再次的踏入新的学期了,对每一件事,每一个环境又有了新的想法,总觉得应该可以带出些什么改变似的。。。在过去的假期里并没有做到什么很有意义的事情,也没有发生什么轰轰烈烈的大事, 就这样过了我一个月的假期了, 应该说是浪费吧?好像也没怎样让自己的身心休息,可是已经来不及了,假期已经过去了。。。不能回头看,只能向前冲刺了。。。只好带着疲惫的身子与精神继续抗斗下去了,别无选择。。。只好坦然地去面对前面种种的挑战与困难。。。我相信我一定能撑过去的。。。加油吧!!!